carbodyfiles.co.uk © 2011 Specialised Industrial Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved


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The focus is on people

Tough working conditions, rough applications and high physical demands characterise the world of tool users. Whether they work in a foundry or shipyards, at the workbench or outdoors: the working conditions, the multitude of applications and requirements make more and more demands of the professionals “at the tools”. The task of having to produce a perfect working result under extreme deadline pressure determines the day’s routine. With retirement starting later and later, people work for significantly longer than used to be the case.

This leads to changes in requirements of the tools used. Tool selection affects the working situation of the user and his complete working environment. It not only has a great influence on the most economical problem solution, it also has a major influence on the health, safety and comfort of the tool user.

Ideal Tooth Geometry.

The teeth of our car body files are milled from the solid metal, as distinct from the usual cutting process.

Each tooth is designed to ensure that the chip rolls up before the rounded tooth face and is forced into the large chip space. A special finishing treatment produces razor-sharp tooth edges for outstanding stock removal performance. Available in five different cut types and one cut.

Convex shape prevents formation of scratch marks!

One key advantage of these car body files is their convex cross section. The cutting area is not flat, but higher in the middle than around the file edges. The height difference is about 0,4 mm.

This special feature prevents the edges of the file from coming into contact with the work- piece, thus preventing undesired scratches in the product surface.

The file leaves no scratch marks, the filed surface can be painted immediately, without any prior polishing.

In the hands of the professional user, PFERD milled car body files provide exceptional stock removal rates and unsurpassed surface quality due to the following features:

■■ positive rake angle     ■■ uniquely convex surface     ■■ unsurpassed sharpness of teeth